Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Wolverley Church Letter From The Vicarage - December 2009

Dear Friends,

Already the shops are decorated for Christmas. It is a boom time for which I expect in this time of recession they are very thankful. We comment every year about the way this Festival starts earlier and earlier. In fact it overshadows the season of Advent. This is a time of preparation, not in the sense of buying all our presents, writing all the cards and making the Christmas pud. This is purely a modern phenomenon. There’s nothing wrong in that, so long as we don’t lose the particular emphasis of Advent.

This is an eager looking forward, an anticipation of Christmas. Advent means ‘coming’ when we think of the coming of Jesus as a human baby to live amongst us, and it is the second so-called penitential season of the church’s year. It should be a time of reflection, of introspection, of spiritual renewal. It is a time for making resolutions rather than January 1st. After all it is the beginning of the year – the church’s year at least. So let us spend a little extra time in prayer or meditation. Let us do a little more Bible reading and study. Let us think about how we are personally going to respond to this child who is born amongst us.

An Advent Prayer

Heavenly Father, during Advent, may we remember the greatest gift ever given: your only Son, Jesus Christ. Fill our hearts with joy day by day as we think of our Saviour putting aside His heavenly glory and coming among us. As a newborn baby, only a stable roof sheltered Him and ordinary, impoverished parents cared for Him. Your angels couldn’t contain themselves, but broke into the quiet night-watch of a group of humble shepherds. The heavenly messengers proclaimed the glorious news of the Saviour who would pay the price for our sins, the sign of Your goodwill to all men, and Your desire for peace on earth.

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, may our understanding grow and we wonder at His birth. By Christmas day, may our hearts overflow with rejoicing and thanksgiving? Let our gratitude overflow to each person we meet by demonstrating the peace and goodwill in our hearts -- not just at this joyful season but all the year round.

Thank you for sending your only son to earth for a specific purpose - to provide eternal life to all who accept Him.

Every Blessing
