2012 / January 2013
Dear Friends,
O…. HERE WE ARE, heading fast for the end of another year. If you’re
anything like me, it probably seems like five minutes since last Christmas and
you have no idea where the months in between have gone!
I think 2012 – so far – has been a pretty memorable year. Certainly it’s
been a big year for our country; we hosted the Olympics and the Paralympics,
there was the Queen’s diamond jubilee with all its associated celebrations and
we saw British players in the Wimbledon finals at long last! There was an
election in America, scandal and warfare ruled the headlines as usual, and the
Great British summer was a washout –
again. And of course, if rumours are to be believed, 2012 will be the last year
that we see, as the world is predicted to end on 21st December, when
the ancient Mayan calendar comes to an end!
We, perhaps it’s not so likely that the end of the world will come in
the next month or so. But what if it did? We all go around living our lives as
if everything will last for ever – but of course, it won’t. Even if the world
doesn’t end, our earthly lives will, one day; and if we knew that it really would
all come to an end within a matter of weeks, what would we do? Are there things
we haven’t done that we would really regret missing out on? Are there sights we
would have wanted to see, places we would have wanted to visit? And what about
the more personal things? With whom would we want to spend those last weeks of
the world? Would we regret not taking more time for our friends and loved ones,
regret things we said in the heat of the moment, wish that we had taken our
chances to have fun and laugh with others rather than do all those tasks that
seemed so important at the time? It can be a good learning exercise to imagine
what we would regret; and what we wish we had done instead. Because if the
world doesn’t end next month – then there may still be time to put things
And as we think about the turning of the year, we have no idea what 2013
will hold for us. But whatever it brings, we need to remember that we don’t go
into the future alone. God is in all the places that we have ever been, all
through our lives; and the God who is beyond time is already in all the places
that we will go during the years to come. Whatever meets us in the future,
wherever we may find ourselves, God will be there before us, waiting to meet
us, to rejoice with us or to weep with us, to guide us, reassure us and show us
the next step forward. We never travel alone. Jesus himself promised that he
would be with us even until the end of the age – whenever that may be.
In 1908, an anthology of poems entitled “The Desert” was published. It
was by a little known author called Minnie Haskins and it included a poem
called “God Knows”. Its first lines are now well known; but the rest of it is
well worth a read. And may God’s light shine before us all as we head into 2013
And I said to the man
who stood at the gate of the
“Give me a light
that I may tread safely into
the unknown.”
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness
and put your hand into the
Hand of God.
That shall be to you better
than light
and safer than a known way.”
So I went forth,
and finding the Hand of God,
trod gladly into the night.
And He led me towards the
and the breaking of day in the
lone East.
So heart be still:
What need our little life
Our human life to know,
If God hath comprehension?
In all the dizzy strife
Of things both high and low,
God hideth His intention.
If God hath comprehension?
In all the dizzy strife
Of things both high and low,
God hideth His intention.
knows. His will
Is best. The stretch of years
Which wind ahead, so dim
To our imperfect vision,
Are clear to God. Our fears
Are premature; In Him,
All time hath full provision.
Is best. The stretch of years
Which wind ahead, so dim
To our imperfect vision,
Are clear to God. Our fears
Are premature; In Him,
All time hath full provision.
rest: until
God moves to lift the veil
From our impatient eyes,
When, as the sweeter features
Of Life’s stern face we hail,
Fair beyond all surmise
God’s thought around His creatures
God moves to lift the veil
From our impatient eyes,
When, as the sweeter features
Of Life’s stern face we hail,
Fair beyond all surmise
God’s thought around His creatures
Team Confirmation
Sunday 18th
WERE BLESSED to have a truly wonderful service of Confirmation at St. John’s,
Wolverley, on Sunday 18th November. This was a joint service with
the churches of the KPCTM team. The sun poured down on a beautiful late autumn
morning and the church was almost full as the candidates, their families and
supporters and members of all the congregations gathered to share in the
Confirmation service and the Eucharist.
service was led by the Right Reverend Mark Santer, former Bishop of Birmingham
and Honorary Assistant Bishop to the Diocese of Worcester. The eight candidates
came from St. Mary’s, Kidderminster; St. Barnabas at Franche; St. Peter’s at
Cookley and from the neighbouring parish of St. Mary’s, Alveley. All of them
were presented by
Confirmation Sponsors and all made their declarations and
promises with enthusiasm, honesty and clarity. It was a privilege to see these
eight people make such a public commitment to their faith, to receive the
sacrament of Confirmation and,
for seven of them, also to receive their first Holy Communion during the
service. There was much rejoicing after the service as refreshments were served
and numerous photos taken as mementos of a very special day.

do continue to remember the newly confirmed – Gill, Lynne, Andy, Rachel, James,
Kirsty and Ryan – in your prayers. If you are thinking of Confirmation for yourself
and would like find out more, please speak to any member of the clergy, or look
out for information in the magazine around the middle of next year.
Revd. Alex Vaccaro
From the Parish Registers
Xavier Roath; 14th October at St. John’s, Wolverley
Stanley Round; 14th October at St. John’s, Wolverley
Elizabeth Rose Hopkins; 28th October at St. John’s, Wolverley
Benjamin Hull; 4th November at St. John’s, Wolverley
Leon Roberts; 11th November at St. John’s, Wolverley
John Williamson; 11th November at St. John’s, Wolverley
Victoria Morris; 18th November at St. Peter’s, Cookley
Zinzan and Jennifer Holden; 6th October at St. John’s, Wolverley
Hough and Rachel Fortune; 20th October at St. John’s, Wolverley
Dorothy Eileen Ann
Newbould; 17th October at St. John’s, Wolverley
Rose Reaves of Cookley;
24th October at Wyre Forest Crematorium
Stephen Henry O’Connor of
Wolverley; 26th October at Wyre Forest Crematorium
Phylis Mary Leake of
Cookley; 31st October at Wyre Forest Crematorium
Doreen Walker; 30th
November at St. John’s, Wolverley
Confirmed at St.
John’s, Wolverley; Sunday 18th November
Ryan Aldridge Lynne
Daniels Gillian Salt
Andrew Seymour James Seymour Rachel Seymour
Kirsty Williams