Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Letter from Owain - April & May 2013

Dear Friends,

I woke up this morning to blue skies, bright sunshine and euphoria surrounding the election of a new Pope. The adoption by the new pontiff of the name Francis promises so much good for the future.

But before his predecessor disappears from sight altogether I would like to share with you some reflections prompted by his retirement.

I was at Bec in France for (the late) Revd. Jim Samuel's welcome as an oblate eight years ago when news came that a new Pope had been appointed. The bell of the abbey rang out and groups gathered outside the church eager to hear the news.
"Its Ratzinger" said the Abbot rather gravely "What you call a hard-liner I think - not good news for ecumenism I'm afraid."

In the event Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope Benedict 16th was indeed a conservative pontiff as we knew he would be, but also a man of surprises. Surprisingly willing, for example, to admit mistakes and to apologise. Surprising us too with his first encyclical "Deus Caratas Est - God is love". It is a beautiful piece of writing.

Here's a short extract

"Love is possible, and we are able to practice it because we are created in the image of God. To experience love and in this way to cause the Light of God to enter into the world - this is the invitation I would like to extend."

But most surprising of all the manner of his departure. His decision to stand down must have taken enormous moral courage as well as clarity of judgment. Of course, he had seen at first hand the plight of John Paul II in the 'winter of his life' and the impact John Paul's disabilities had made on the life of the Church. Perhaps this helped him to find the courage to acknowledge his own frailty mental and physical; to acknowledge the 'diminishment' that comes with age to all of us; to recognise when it is time to 'pass the baton' on. I have been very moved by the courage he showed in honestly facing his diminishment. Perhaps his example will help us all when the time comes to do the same and to find God in it.

Equally, I was surprisingly moved by the words Benedict spoke from the Balcony of Castel Gandolfo when he said farewell to the crowd below. "I am no longer the Pope but I am still in the Church. I am just a pilgrim who is starting the last part of his pilgrimage on this earth." Then he turned away to begin a new life of prayer and contemplation.

People ask me "What are you going to do when you retire?" Deep in my heart, to be honest, I have felt God prompting me not to go on doing 'much the same as before' or just to 'fill gaps' or to fill my days as quickly as possible with as much as possible in order to keep boredom and restlessness at bay but to undertake a similar Camina or journey: a journey not so much about 'doing' as an inner journey and perhaps one deeper into God.

Oddly enough, though, I have been invited to join two old friends from Germany as they continue their pilgrimage across France towards Santiago de Compostela next spring. "Are you up for it?" they have written, Oh, I do hope so!!

Wishing you all a very joyful Easter.
Revd. Canon Owain Bell

From the Parish Registers


Molly Elizabeth Denise Kinnon; 25th November at St. Peter’s, Cookley
Zach Philip Garbett; 15th December at St. Peter’s, Cookley
Sebastian Elliot Beaumont; 16th December 2012 at St. Peter’s, Cookley
Megan Emma Setchell; 9th February at St. Peter’s, Cookley
Cameron Joshua Beech; 10th February at St. Peter’s, Cookley
Scarlett Juno Jackson; 17th February at St. John’s, Wolverley
Lucinda Christina Burton; 2nd March at St. John’s, Wolverley
Beth Evelyn Copson; 16th March at St. Peter’s, Cookley
Mason Harry Addison; 17th March at St. John’s, Wolverley
Myles Christopher Yarsley; 17th March at St. John’s, Wolverley
Harrie Lee Graham Healey; 24th March at St. John’s, Wolverley


Ricky John Griffiths and Samantha Clare Dallow; 9th March at St. Peter’s, Cookley
Warrick Jon Pannell and Katrina Louise Porter; 30th March at St. Peter’s, Cookley


Ivy Maud (Irene) Heath of Cookley; 29th November at Wyre Forest Crematorium
Julia Kathleen Smith; 19th December at St. Peter’s, Cookley
Michael Terrance Andrews of Cookley; 21st December at Wyre Forest Crematorium
Raymond Francis (Chuck) Dixon; 17th January at St. Peter’s, Cookley
Charles William David Jones of Cookley; 18th January at Wyre Forest Crematorium
Carolyn Evans of Wolverley; 18th January at Wyre Forest Crematorium
Kathleen Beatrice Davies of Cookley; 5th February at Wyre Forest Crematorium
Muriel Nixon Fenn; 11th February at St. John’s, Wolverley & Wyre Forest Crematorium
Cathleen Mary Jennings; 12th February at St. John’s, Wolverley
Ronald Davies; 18th February at St. John’s, Wolverley & Wyre Forest Crematorium
Tony Brooks of Cookley; 20th February at Wyre Forest Crematorium
Alan Joseph Timmins of Cookley; 21st February at Stourbridge Crematorium
Pamela Ann Smith; 21st February at St. John’s, Wolverley
Florence Irene Nicholls; 26th February at St. Peter’s, Cookley
Harry Dunstan of Cookley; 26th February at Wyre Forest Crematorium
Nina Rose Court; 6th March at St. John’s, Wolverley
Clifford Howe; 8th March at St. John’s, Wolverley
Jean Stafford Preece; 13th March at St. John’s, Wolverley
John Edwin Glover of Cookley; 17th March at Wyre Forest Crematorium