Saturday, 3 December 2011

Letter From The Vicarage - December 2011

Dear Friends,

At this time of the year, if you’re anything like me you get all sorts of appeals for charities and special causes.  After all, this is the season of goodwill and we don’t want to be like Scrooge or like the priest and Levite in the Good Samaritan and ignore the cries of those in need.

Some of these good causes are really worthwhile supporting.  However, being realistic, we can’t help every one of them.  We need to be selective.  I have today received two appeals and I feel that we ought to try and assist where we can.

The first is from Practical Action.  It concerns the worst drought in the Horn of Africa for 60 years.  Carcasses of cattle litter the horizon and the wind carries the pungent smell of death.  There has only been one day of rain this year in the Mandera Valley – the so-called Valley of Death.

People often see to the needs of their animals before their own needs and the Vultures are waiting to swoop down.  If you feel that you able to help the  Charity can be contacted at The Schumacher Centre, Bourton on Dunsmore, Rugby, Warwickshire CV23 9QZ. 
Their website is

The other appeal I’ve received is nearer home.  This is not asking for financial support, but to raise awareness of dementia.  The Department of Health supported by the Alzheimer’s Society, has launched a new campaign to raise early signs and symptoms of dementia.  Fewer than 50% of people get diagnosed with dementia at a sufficiently early stage, yet early diagnosis can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life and provide them with better treatment.  I have displayed some posters and there are leaflets available giving further information.

You may have other charities you want to support instead, but whatever we decide to do, we should help someone in need this Christmas.  In a way, that is a far more important way of keeping Christmas than buying each other presents we don’t really need.

Have a good and generous Christmas, Yours faithfully,



Samuel James Barber at Wolverley - 30th October 
Poppy Mae Small at Cookley - 6th November
Joshua Bramwell Pannell at Cookley - 12th November
Lily-Rose Gorman and Czar Frank Collins at Wolverley - 13th November


20th November (Feast of Christ the King) at Saint Mary’s, Kidderminster

                 Gillian Duffy
                   Jean Mander
                Fred Leeson
                   Oliver Milner


Susan Jane Moore of Cookley at Stourbridge Crematorium - 14th October
Dorothy Vera Pagett of Wolverley at Stourbridge Crematorium - 20th October
Barry John Hatton of Cookley at Stourbridge Crematorium - 26th October
Don Smith of Franche (formerly of Wolverley) at Wolverley - 26th October
Geoffrey Michael Owers of Cookley at Stourbridge Crematorium - 27th October
Mary Cartwright at Stourbridge and St. John’s, Wolverley - 1st November
Gladys Oakley at Stourbridge and St. Peter’s, Cookley - 3rd November
Geoffrey Francis Bonner of Wolverley at Stourbridge Crematorium - 16th November

Monday, 31 October 2011

Letter From The Vicarage - November 2011

Dear Friends,

We are gradually trying to work closer with the Saint Mary’s team with whom we are eventually going to join. Fleur and I are going to their regular monthly staff meetings. I and a representative from both churches are now invited to attend their PCC meetings which give us a flavour of what happens in the team and what projects are in hand.

Members of the congregation are invited to join with Saint Mary’s on 1st November for an All Saints service at 7.30pm; this will be preceded by fireworks & refreshments in the churchyard from 6.30pm onwards. There is also an invitation to a “This is Your Life” on 5th November at St. Barnabas, Franche, when Owain, the Team Rector will be in the hot seat. It will be a good way of getting to know something of his background and again getting to know members of the team more closely.

Also, on the 20th November, there is a Team Confirmation at Saint Mary’s at 10.30am when we are presenting some candidates from our two churches. All these follow the very successful service we had at Wolverley on Ascension Day, when a large number of the Kidderminster Team came and joined us.

There is also an LEP or Local Ecumenical Project with Saint Mary’s and Trinity Methodist Church in the process of being set up. As you know we have an LEP with St. Peter’s and the Methodists in Cookley. However, now that there is no Methodist church in Cookley, the members have gone to Broadwaters and come to us on the fourth Sunday of the month. There will be an opportunity for working and worshipping with the Methodists further in the larger team because of the LEP at Saint Mary’s and Trinity.

I am setting up a meeting with the wardens at Chaddesley, Stone and Saint George’s because these have already been through a similar experience with the retirement of John Cox.

Do try and get to some of these joint events. I’m sure there will be many more opportunities in the future. Also remember the joining of our parishes in your prayers.

Your friend,


From the Parish Registers Christenings

Elizabeth Rushbrook-Staight at Cookley – 9th October
Harry Jack Bingham at Wolverley – 23rd October
Molly Alicia Harris at Wolverley – 29th October


Matthew Lee Barratt and Lisa Knight at Cookley - 23rd September


John Bayes at Cookley – 16th September
Leonard Archer at Wolverley – 30th September
Lucy Elizabeth Meakin at Cookley and Stourbridge Crematorium – 7th October
Susan Mopore (Caunsall) at Stourbridge Crematorium – 14th October

Monday, 3 October 2011

Letter From The Vicarage - October 2011

Dear Friends,

Recently I have been thinking about Worship in our two churches.  It is an activity in which we share week by week and it seems to me that it may just become a habit – part of our lives which we are used to.  This is not a bad thing.  In fact it is good that we develop regular and good habits as long as we don’t do them unthinkingly.

We are fortunate in the Anglican Church to have a very fine liturgy – a set form of service which has some variation within it and with which we can get to know and love and which nourishes us over a period of time.

The word liturgy literally means “the work of the people”.  In other words, it is something we do together and something which needs a bit of effort on our part.  We don’t come just to receive, but we come to give as well.  We should not let the words flow over us making us feel good, although perhaps there are times when we feel like that.  I find that at the end of a busy Sunday, it is rather nice to follow a set form of Evensong and let the liturgy speak for itself.

Rather we should come to church prepared to work.  We should really pray the prayers and think about them.  We should listen hard both to the readings and to the sermon and think about them, even if they are a bit difficult to follow.  In fact if they are bit difficult we need to work at them a bit harder. 

Remember that the readers and the preacher are themselves doing the work of God to the best of their ability.

Although some people grew up on a diet of 8.00am communions where they could go to church and leave immediately it was over so that they didn’t have to speak to anyone, nowadays we put a big emphasis on speaking to others, welcoming them (as for example in the peace) and socialising.  Finally we remember together the Last Supper and the gift of Christ himself on the cross.

Hard work isn’t it?  Church needs to be quiet and reflective sometimes, when we don’t have to do too much. 

We just need comforting.  At other times it needs to stretch us and challenge us. These days services are made more enjoyable and more accessible, but they should nevertheless broaden our horizons and feed us spiritually.

Yours sincerely,


From the Parish Registers

Jamie Roderick Jones at Cookley - 17th September


George Lloyd and Donna Galvin at Wolverley - 16th August
Neil Stanley and Amy Pope at Wolverley - 26th August
Matthew Craggs and Sophie Wooldridge at Wolverley – 3rd September
Paul Harvey and Emma Palfrey at Cookley – 3rd September
Glyn Rees and Christine Evans at Wolverley – 17th September


Pamela King at Stourbridge (Cookley) -  11th August
Brian Price at Stourbridge (Cookley) 8th September
Ivor Frank Spittle at Cookley – 14th September
Sidney Slater at Stourbridge (Wolverley) 15th September

Friday, 2 September 2011

Letter From The Vicarage - September 2011

Dear Friends,

With the return of the schools early this month everything seems to be getting back into gear again after the summer holidays.  We look forward to the first of our Harvest Services at Cookley, to be followed on the first Sunday of October by Wolverley Harvest.  It’s good at least on this occasion to show our appreciation for all of life’s excellent gifts and for an abundant amount of food.

We are all too aware that many people in the world suffer from starvation. Unfortunately this is not only because of drought or poor harvests but because of political agendas and by a failure to provide sufficient means of distribution.  We can do little to alter such circumstances but we can keep up pressure on the Governments of the world to put feeding their populations at the top of their programmes. 

Why not write a letter or send an email to your Member of Parliament expressing concern?

September 25th is also ‘Back to Church Sunday’ at both churches.  We hope that many people will come to church or come back to Church and find the experience a worthwhile and a lively one and decide to reconnect with the local church from which they may have become separated.  This may happen as a result of different factors.  Perhaps people have moved, perhaps they just had a negative experience once, or perhaps they have just got out of the habit of going.  We are all subject to the changes that happen in life and sometimes we just need a bit of encouragement in the right direction.

With all good wishes

Yours sincerely,                                                                   


From the Parish Registers
Willem Luke Copson - 23rd July at Cookley
Leandro Michael Curty-Pitt - 24th July at Cookley
Shannon May Jones, Chanelle Charlie Jones and Tia Marie Jones  - 31st July at Cookley
Chloe Elizabeth Weaver - 6th August at Cookley
Connie Anais Valerie Hall - 7th August at Wolverley 

Antony James Woods and Jamie Rodina May Harbron - 6th August at Cookley 

Hilda Furnell - 19th July at Cookley
Graham Gwilliam - 29th (Cookley) at Stourbridge
Harriet Lucy Ross-Tuffey  - 2nd August at Cookley
Pamela King - 11th August (Cookley) – at Stourbridge

Monday, 1 August 2011

Letter From The Vicarage - August 2011

Dear Friends,

As I mentioned last month, we are proposing to hold a sponsored event at Wolverley to mark the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible.  It will be on Saturday 8th October and is the nearest Saturday to William Tyndale’s day.  Tyndale was born in the 15th Century and decided to translate the New Testament into English. 

Because of opposition to the project, Tyndale went to Germany where the translation was printed.  He then spent most of his life in Antwerp where he repeatedly revised his New Testament and worked on parts of the Old Testament.  He was eventually arrested and burnt at the stake for heresy, but his work survived substantially in the King James Version.

We are hoping that many people will take part and read a passage either of their own choosing or a passage can be supplied.  This is not exclusive to Wolverley, but people living in Cookley can also take part.  In fact they are encouraged to do so.  I have already had a positive response from Wolverley Primary School.

I hope that you will find some time to take a holiday or at least to have wind down a little.  It’s important to relax, and the summer, even if we don’t have very good weather, usually enables us to do that. 

Many of us don’t have to bother about school holidays and take our time off at other seasons in the year.  Nevertheless, have a good summer and a peaceful time.

Yours sincerely,


From the Parish Registers
Cailen-Jai Griffiths and Connie Anais Valerie Hall at Wolverley 17th July

Andrew Philip John Humphries and Natalie Anne Arnold at Wolverley 2nd July
Kenton Bryant and Helena Shaw at Cookley 9th July
Scott Ian Hadley and Jeanette Georgina Downes at Cookley 30th July

Lola Frances Robson at Wolverley 27th June
Sanu Mia at Cookley 30th June
Mildred Edwina Page at Stourbridge Crematorium 11th July
Sarah Michelle Dickson at Cookley 12th July 
Margaret Beryl Page at Cookley 12th July
Winifred May Short at Cookley 13th July

Monday, 4 July 2011

Letter from the Vicarage - July 2011

Dear Friends,

As you know this year we are celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the publication of the first proper authorised version of the bible – the so-called King James Version.  Since then many translations have been made and the bible has been disseminated across the whole world in hundreds of different languages.  There is nothing however to compare with the beauty and stateliness of the King James Version.

However it is said that the bible is the best-selling book but the worst read.  I have tried various schemes, but I came across one recently which is a very simple idea.  The simplest ideas are always the best I think.

It is called E100.  ‘E’ stands for essential.  There are 100 essential readings for the entire bible and it suggests that everyone could manage about four or five a week.  If you have a computer, you can download the plan easily.  Just put ‘E100’ into the Search Engine.

For those who don’t have access to a computer or who don’t wish to download it, I am putting some copies of a printed version of it in the two churches. If you can’t get to church or don’t normally come, get in touch and I will get a copy to you.

Why not accept the Bible Reading Challenge and put E100 to the test?  It would be a good way of celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the English Bible and would familiarise you with the 100 basic or essential passages.

Yours sincerely,


From the Parish Registers
Katie Beau Elizabeth Bratton and
Catherine Marie Bratton at Cookley 5th June
Adam Robert Joseph Brown and
Melanie Bent at Cookley 12th June
Roxi Kirton at Cookley 26th June

Joyce Gould at Wolverley 9th June
Mary Perks at Cookley 28th June
Edna Alice (Ann) Downes at Stourbridge Crematorium 29th June

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Letter from the Vicarage – June 2011

Dear Friends,

We have some important celebrations this month.  On Sunday 12th June it is Whitsunday or Pentecost as it is being called more and more these days.  I much prefer the rather more English term “Whitsunday” or White Sunday.  It refers to the practice of having baptisms particularly on that day and dressing  babies in white.  Whatever name we give it is an important day in the life of the church.  It celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit initially on the disciples.  It is when it all began.  It is regarded as the birthday of the Church.  Fleur Bradley, our Reader will be presenting a special service on Radio Hereford and Worcester.  Do listen in.

We also celebrate our Patronal Festivals this month.  24th June is the east of the Nativity of John the Baptist.  It is rather interesting that this saint’s major festival is a commemoration of his birth, whereas it is a general rule to remember saints on the day of their death when it is known.  I suppose this is because the birth of John the Baptist is so closely linked with that of Jesus.  John the Baptist was six months older than Jesus and his festival therefore comes exactly six months after Christmas.  The depressing thought is that we are then halfway through the year.  It’s all downhill after that!

This year we are celebrating it with a Flower Festival done for us by the Floral Art Club.  It will be open from Friday 24th until Sunday 26th, which we keep as our Patronal Festival.  There will be a special Songs of Praise service at 6.30pm that evening.

Saint Peter, the Patron Saint of Cookley comes very close.  His day is increasingly linked with Saint Paul. Partly because it is our Patronal Festival, I prefer to celebrate Saint Peter on his own.  After all Saint Paul has his own celebration in January, so why should an important saint like Peter not be given a day to himself?  Also they didn’t see eye to eye if we’re completely honest.  There were tensions between personalities even in the Church in its early days.  The Feast of Saint Peter is 29th June, although because of where it comes in the week we shall celebrate it as our Patronal Festival on Sunday 3rd July.  With all good wishes,

Yours sincerely,


From the Parish Registers
Ava Lily Alice Hackett at Wolverley - 24th April
Victoria Susan Allen, Georgia Susan Thomson, Francesca Lilian Thomas and Alfie Paul Harvey at Cookley - 1st May
Eve Frankie Jones at Wolverley - 7th May
George Leonera Philip Paxton at Cookley - 21st May

Lee Hazelwood and Charlotte Stroud at Wolverley - 7th May
Joshua Yarnell and Katie Shuker at Wolverley - 28th May

Roger Matthew of Kidderminster (Service at Cookley) - 10th May
Derek Lavelle of Cookley (Service at Stourbridge) - 10th May

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Letter from the Vicarage – May 2011

Dear Friends,

Last month a group of us were able to meet with Owain Bell, the Team Rector of Saint Mary’s in Kidderminster. This completes the beginnings of our conversations about the future of Wolverley and Cookley within the Team Ministry of Saint Mary’s next year.  But it is a conversation which needs to continue. We had a similar meeting with Owain at Saint Peter’s, Cookley some weeks earlier.

Owain was at pains to point out at both meetings that this was going to affect the Saint Mary’s Team just as much as our two parishes.  It was going to be a joint venture of exploration and discovery through largely unchartered waters.   However, he did say that although some adjustments will no doubt be necessary, every attempt will be made to preserve the existing pattern of services.

There would also be some benefits.  Because we shall be in a much larger team, we shall have access to a bigger pool of resources.  We shall have the benefit of a parish secretary, of a wider group of clergy and others with specialised skills.  We shall also be able to contribute something to the Team by giving some of the gifts and expertise we possess.

It is important that we start to worship and socialise together. We plan to hold a joint Eucharist at Saint John’s Wolverley on 2nd June (Ascension Day) at 7.30pm when we shall be joined by the St. Mary’s Team.

I hope that members of St. Peter’s Cookley will come to that as well despite the fact that as it’s a Thursday, there will be a communion there in the morning.

Fleur Bradley and I are also taking it in turns to go to the monthly Staff Meeting at Saint Mary’s so that we can feel part of the Team and can make a contribution to the discussion.

Although in some ways it is not like having one’s own Vicar, in the response to the economic and staffing changes we must make, it does present us with some exciting possibilities as well as some real challenges.

With all good wishes,

Geoffrey Shilvock & Owain Bell

From the Parish Registers         


Rosemary Alice Bayley and Rebecca Bayley at St. Peter’s Cookley - 2nd April


Lee John Perry & Aime Jay Owen at St. John the Baptist Wolverley - 30th April

Mia Pocierznicki (baby) at St. Peter’s Cookley - 23rd March
George Kenneth Bridges at St. John the Baptist Wolverley - 7th April
William David Barker at St. Peter’s Cookley - 11th April
Kenneth Jenkins at Stourbridge Crematorium - 11th April
Michael Norman Watts at St. Peter’s Cookley - 12th April
Freda Marie Lawley at St. John the Baptist Wolverley - 13th April
Dorothy Hale at Stourbridge Crematorium - 15th April
Derrick Clifford Davies at St. John the Baptist Wolverley - 15th April
Maldwyn Thomas Roberts at Worcester Crematorium - 19th April
William Henry Field at St. John the Baptist Wolverley - 21st April