Dear Friends,
Recently I have been thinking about Worship in our two churches. It is an activity in which we share week by week and it seems to me that it may just become a habit – part of our lives which we are used to. This is not a bad thing. In fact it is good that we develop regular and good habits as long as we don’t do them unthinkingly.

The word liturgy literally means “the work of the people”. In other words, it is something we do together and something which needs a bit of effort on our part. We don’t come just to receive, but we come to give as well. We should not let the words flow over us making us feel good, although perhaps there are times when we feel like that. I find that at the end of a busy Sunday, it is rather nice to follow a set form of Evensong and let the liturgy speak for itself.
Rather we should come to church prepared to work. We should really pray the prayers and think about them. We should listen hard both to the readings and to the sermon and think about them, even if they are a bit difficult to follow. In fact if they are bit difficult we need to work at them a bit harder.
Remember that the readers and the preacher are themselves doing the work of God to the best of their ability.
Although some people grew up on a diet of 8.00am communions where they could go to church and leave immediately it was over so that they didn’t have to speak to anyone, nowadays we put a big emphasis on speaking to others, welcoming them (as for example in the peace) and socialising. Finally we remember together the Last Supper and the gift of Christ himself on the cross.
Hard work isn’t it? Church needs to be quiet and reflective sometimes, when we don’t have to do too much.
We just need comforting. At other times it needs to stretch us and challenge us. These days services are made more enjoyable and more accessible, but they should nevertheless broaden our horizons and feed us spiritually.
Yours sincerely,
From the Parish Registers
Jamie Roderick Jones at Cookley - 17th September
George Lloyd and Donna Galvin at Wolverley - 16th August
Neil Stanley and Amy Pope at Wolverley - 26th August
Matthew Craggs and Sophie Wooldridge at Wolverley – 3rd September
Paul Harvey and Emma Palfrey at Cookley – 3rd September
Glyn Rees and Christine Evans at Wolverley – 17th September
Pamela King at Stourbridge (Cookley) - 11th August
Brian Price at Stourbridge (Cookley) 8th September
Ivor Frank Spittle at Cookley – 14th September
Sidney Slater at Stourbridge (Wolverley) 15th September
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