Friday, 31 January 2014

Letter from Rose - February & March 2014

Dear Friends

This morning I took an assembly in one of the Church of England Primary Schools in our area that many of our church members as well as Clergy and lay ministers are involved in, either by being Governors, general helpers or even just parents or grandparents. Each Term we look at a different value and this New Year in this particular school we are looking at ‘thankfulness’ - saying thank you.

When I returned home and began to think about what I would write to you I began to wonder how often we say thank you these days, and what do we really mean when we are saying it?

The story we had during the assembly was of the ten lepers who asked Jesus for help, they asked for healing from the terrible disease that had ruined their lives making them outcasts from family and friends. Jesus did in fact heal them, but afterwards only one came back to thank him for giving him back his life.

Some people may think there is not much to give thanks for in today’s world.
A world where people still kill each other through acts of war or terrorism -
A world where people are still hungry -
A world where life seems so cheap -
A world where children live on the streets or are used as a bomb -
A world where lives are lost through negligence or greed.

But we need to look again, for as awful as these things are, we can still find acts of love, generosity, forgiveness and even joy around us - things we should be grateful for and say thank you.

Rabbi Harold Kushner said -
If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.
During the assembly, I asked the children to, during a few moments of quiet, think of something they would like to thank God for. They sat quiet for a while and then I asked them if they had thought of something and they all either nodded their heads or said yes. Then I told them after the words ‘thank you God for……….’ They were to shout out what they wanted to thank him for, and do you know they almost raised the roof!

If those young children can say thank you to God like that - well so should we - for all that IS GOOD in our world and in our lives too.

Ahead of us we have a few more months when we need to say thank you to God for all that has been good in the past but also to pray for his guidance and support as we look forward to the future as the new Kidderminster Ismere Team with a new Team Rector.

So I hope you will join in the prayer meetings that have already begun and will continue throughout this time.

Your friend in Christ


Congratulations to the Venerable Nikki Groarke who was licensed as our new Archdeacon of Dudley on Sunday 5th January at St. Thomas' Church, Stourbridge.

We are pleased to announce the arrival of a new grandson for Revd. Jan Ashton. Edward Charles (Ted) was born on 13th January, weighing-in at 7lbs 14oz.


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