Thursday, 18 February 2016

'Loitering within Lent' - the Hospital Restaurant

If you've not heard of 'Loitering within Lent' please read my previous post.

1. Hospital Restaurant...

I spent 45 minutes sitting and not playing on my phone but eating a sandwich, having a cup of tea and wondering - where is Jesus' Spirit here? I saw two acts of kindness.

The first was an elderly man who was very deaf and insisting he wanted bacon, sausage, beans and egg for his lunch. The person taking the order was explaining they didn't do breakfasts after 11.30am (it was 1pm), the explanation was repeated slowly but not in a patronising way until he did hear - he was very apologetic.

The second was an elderly women who was struggling to stand back up after sitting for her meal. The people sitting on the tables either side (though not with her) saw her struggling and helped her up. This was done with minimum fuss and with a 'it's no trouble' attitude.

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